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Teach you how to prevent the aging of plastic bags

Published on:2021-07-01 16:29:18  Number of Views:509

Plastic packaging bag is a common packaging bag in our daily life, but with the sunshine, wind and rain and other external conditions, the aging degree of woven bag is deepening day by day, so how to avoid the aging of plastic packaging bag? Today, Xiaobian plastic packaging bag manufacturer introduces you how to avoid the aging of plastic packaging bags.

1. In the natural environment, that is, under the condition of direct sunlight, the strength of plastic packaging bags will decrease by 25% after one week and 40% after two weeks, which is basically unusable. In other words, the storage of plastic bags is very important.

2. When the cement is packed in plastic and placed in the open air and exposed to direct sunlight, the strength will decrease sharply.

3. Excessive temperature (container transportation) or rain during storage and transportation of plastic packaging bags will lead to their strength reduction, and then fail to meet the quality requirements for maintaining the contents.

4. Excessive participation of recycled materials is also one of the reasons to promote the aging of plastic packaging bags.
